The Grand National
13 April 2024

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3 simple steps

1. Register with Plucky 

2. Create your private sweepstake
£5 - £100 entry per horse

3. Invite your family and friends

No more fiddly pieces of paper!

Digitise your Grand National Sweepstake this year…

Whether for work via email, with mates on WhatsApp or just at home…pint glasses and bits of paper are no longer required.

Plucky is the new digital way to instantly set up your own online sweepstake for money any sporting or television event, anywhere and with anyone you like.

Just a few clicks and you're off! We'll sort everything else. Simple as that.

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Easy to set up and share

Setup is speedy and then easily shared via WhatsApp, Email or your preferred social media.

Play from £5 to £100

All players can setup a secure bank card connection to pay their entry fees and Plucky will manage payouts to the winners. No hassle and no chasing! We charge a small admin fee to cover the costs of player KYC and payment processing.

Create sweepstake now!

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